World Chess

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Free Flash Games - a New Chess Version?

The days when video game arcades use to bloom are long gone, not only they are fading but also almost facing extinction due to the dominating world of established free online flash and java games. These online games beat video games in more than one aspect. The internet has replaced the hyped flashy image of the game arcades with much affordable, in fact, free online games based on technologies such as flash and shockwave. Unlike the endangered future of video games at arcades, online games have a bright future in the interactive online-based entertainment industry. Even though game arcades are fairly attractive to some because of their presentation, people who live a busy life opt for entertainment at home especially if it provides wider options of games, flexibility of schedule and last but not least they available for free to enthusiasts around the world.When it comes to gaming applications there are several categories that excel because the grab the attention of the player, one of them is the strategy category. Within this range of games chess is also included, this particular game has been around for long time, you can tell by the figures used to represent each piece (king, queen, peon, etc.)Online games have given this extremely complex game a new twist by taking one of the most complex pieces and making an obstacle course so to speak which needs to be beaten by moving and placing the chess piece in different board spots according to the specific move established in chess rules. The piece we are talking about is the knight. Chess players know that this piece moves in an "L" like direction which makes it hard to maneuver without thinking four to five steps ahead, the flash application this game is featured is called "crazy chess" Flash applications have taken this piece and built several lines of peons which try to approach the castle which is located at the opposite side of the board in order to defeat the knight which protects it. Like every good night your role is to defeat these peons which increase their speed according to the level. You might think this is an easy game but as several peons approach your side of the board you start to realize that thinking and planning the knight's moves is very difficult and even more so when the time you have is only fractions of a second, this is a game you just have to try!

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